Saturday, November 20, 2010


new york city was amazing. just realized no pics.

want a few?


It's OFFICIALLY thanksgiving break!!!! yes. I'm in my own home, had dinner with the family, made some plans for this week along with my work schedule... thank god! By this morning... I had to leave. As ARC, myself and 1 other person had to be the last to leave our building and it was such a long wait from Thurs to sat. at noon. The only thing that would make this break better would be for me to be on my way to Germany right now to see my baby or for him to be here. 3 weeks today and I will see him again! I love my floor and the people in my building but this break has been a long waiting line... and I was the last one in line and the first one to join... I plan on sleeping in every day... decided to work 6pm-midnight every day, not sure if that was the best idea... but gives me a lot of free time i suppose. not sure about the thanksgiving plans yet... my fam, inlaws? more.... who knows. 

i guess my birthday pics haven't made it up yet... here's a few.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

la bella vita

Well life has been crazy lately. busy busy busy in the life of a nursing major. clinical has been awesome at DHMC! I even got to watch open heart surgery a few weeks ago and saw someone be cardioverted. I can't believe it is almost thanksgiving break! I'm headed home to work for the week on sat. and when we come back we only have 2 weeks left of classes! My amazing boyfriend comes home in 25 days and I am soooo unbelievably excited to pick him up from the airport.

My 21st birthday was on halloween, so needless to say the weekend was a blast!!! We went out all weekend and had an amazing time with some great people... I was batman and my roommate was robin! The best team ever!

I have a ridiculous amount of work to do this week... just like the past few weeks and should probably get going.